Saturday, March 7, 2009

End of February 2009: A Nice Day Together

Weekends for a working Nana are filled with anticipation.

Chances are pretty good that Oliver can come out to play...

On this particular Saturday, we had a few hours together while Damien and Jax had some time out. We headed to the small park next to the river and had fun on the playground. We took the long way home so we could see the ducks under the bridge.

Back home we kicked back and had a few refreshing rice biscuits and a drink of juice.

Heysen grabs pole position whenever Oliver is eating. I never have to sweep the floor.

Oliver and Heysen get on very well. Jax and Damien have pets as well - Slim Dog and Fat Kitty - so Oliver is very relaxed around animals. Nana also has a green tree frog (Houdini) and two colourful budgies (Bish and Margaret) so there is plenty to look at and talk about.

Now zipping along on his own two feet, this little man is checking out


Grandpa's office, potted plants, the dogs water dish, electrical cords, CD towers, TV remotes, stereo buttons, book shelves, carpet lint, drawers, cupboard doors, toilets, steps, leaves, lamps, curtains, even hallway echos...

Not only cute, he's a genius