Julian and I travelled to Melbourne for a pre-Christmas visit with Oliver (and family). We flew over on Friday morning, catching up with everyone shortly after lunch. Oliver greeted us with big smiles, cuddles and kisses. It wasn't long before I was grasped by the finger and taken through every room in the house, as well as a tour of the back garden.

Julian and I will be on a road trip for Christmas, so we thought it would be good to take the Olimonster to Toys-R-Us to choose his Christmas gifts. Oliver loved the freedom to explore, but would most likely have been happiest to take home the cages holding the balls, or the fire extinguisher by the emergency door.
We ended the evening by sharing a meal with Damien, Jax and Oliver in their Melbourne home, entertained by Oliver on his new drum.
The next day we visited the Melbourne Aquarium, a brilliant place to face the wildest creatures of the deep. Oliver LOVED the King Penguins, talking to them through the glass and laughing as they swam like bullets through the water.

The other exhibits proved to be just a bit too overwhelming..."I cared!" cried Oliver, as he buried his face in my shoulder. "You shouldn't be scared" said I..."Nana will keep you safe." But the fish were big (especially the sharks) and Oliver found it best not to make eye contact. The best part of the aquarium for Oliver was the fire extinguisher (again) and the fire emergency door handles (OPEN ONLY IN EMERGENCY SITUATION...no Oliver...wait, wait...!).

Sunday was Melbourne Zoo day. Jacki came along as well. We started with a nice lunch together at a pub along the way. Grandpa (Mumpa) followed Oliver while he explored each room of the pub. The place filled up quickly and soon Oliver was competing with a stage stealing pink fairy girl, singing with a magic wand that changed colours (if you have to resort to props, you really don't possess the talent...).
The Zoo was fantastic! I guess we all ran out of steam far before covering the grounds with the desired level of appreciation (remember yesterday??). Jax had several precious moments with the spiders (her secret love) and Oliver paid homage to the elephants.

Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without the fire extinguishers, emergency exits, and buttons to push. Our little man slept like a puggle all the way home.

Damien transferred Oliver to his bed...I crept into his room to say goodbye, but he was quietly counting the stars.